domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009


O Belo dessa semana é um presente que ganhei do meu amigo Haris.
Ele traduziu do Urdu para o Inglês esses dois poemas de Faiz Ahmed Faiz e me mandou. Faiz foi, assim como Neruda, romancista e revolucionário. Aliás, eles eram amigos!
Os poemas abaixo, foram escritos durante o período em que Faiz estava na prisão e o primeiro se popularizou no Paquistão em forma de música.


Stay by me

Stay by me
My assassin, my love
The moment comes the night
Black night that drank the blood of the red dusk
Bearing musk balm and a diamond lancet
It comes weeping, laughing, singing
Dark anklets of pain clinking
The moment when hearts buried deep in bosoms
Begin longing for assassin hands hidden in sleeves
Ever hopeful
And the wine poured, sounds like a child’s sobs,
A restless tide, inconsolable by drink
When no tale can be told
And no argument works
The moment comes the night
That mournful, derelict, black, night
Stay by me
My assassin, my love, stay by me


Your lips are free, speak!
Your tongue is still your own, speak!
Your mind and body are yours
Your life is still your own, speak!
Look! In the ironsmith’s shop
Flames are hot, iron is red
Mouths of links begin to open
Chains begin to loosen
Little time is enough, speak!
Before the death of body and tongue, speak!
Truth still lives, so speak!

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